McGeorge Bundy

US Foreign Policy and Vietnam
October 16, 1968
Kresge Auditorium

McGeorge Bundy (1919–1996) was the United States National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961–1966. He was also a noted professor of government at Harvard, known as a strong proponent for the American bombing of North Vietnam. Bundy later expressed regret over the decision and was one of the first administration members to do so publicly. He spent much of his later career analyzing and criticizing America’s Vietnam policy. He subsequently served as president of the Ford Foundation from 1966–1979.

When his tenure at the Ford Foundation ended in 1989, Bundy became a professor of history at New York University and a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Corporation from 1990–1996.


McGeorge Bundy (1919–1996) was the United States National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961–1966. He was also a noted professor of government at Harvard, known as a strong proponent for the American bombing of North Vietnam. Bundy later expressed regret over the decision and was one of the first administration members to do so publicly. He spent much of his later career analyzing and criticizing America’s Vietnam policy. He subsequently served as president of the Ford Foundation from 1966–1979.

When his tenure at the Ford Foundation ended in 1989, Bundy became a professor of history at New York University and a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Corporation from 1990–1996.